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Shree Krishnanugraha Agro. Pvt. Ltd.

Shree Krishnanugraha Agro. Pvt. Ltd

Shree Krishnanugraha Agro Pvt. Limited is an esteemed venture under the SKP Group, embodying the ethos of "Excellence. Quality. Trust." Located in Billadi, Vandaru Post & Village, Udupi, Karnataka, Shree Krishnanugraha Agro Pvt. Limited is a beacon of superior standards and reliability in the agro-industry.

Business Objectives

We excel as buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, traders, and suppliers of dry fruits, fruits, tea, coffee, cocoa, pepper, millets, rice, wheat, cereals, vegetables, and various agricultural products in all forms.

Extended Operations

We provide market-making, brokerage, consultancy, and advisory services, offering technical know-how and training for all our business activities both in India and globally.

Our Commitment

We are committed to advancing agricultural practices and delivering top-tier products, guided by excellence, quality, and trust.

Contact Us




  • Shree Krishnanugraha Agro Pvt. Limited
    S. No. 69-4, Billadi, Vandaru Post & Village,
    Udupi-576223, Karnataka, India
  • Phone: +91 953567696
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: